The “Bark in the Park” Event Arrives in May

Although it is the dead of winter and arctic weather covers the majority of the United States, Spring is only a little over two months away. This means better weather and more beautiful days to spend outdoors with your pets! One of the more exciting events to look forward to is the Bark In The Park Festival, located at the Utica District Park. On May 12th of 2014, you can test your dog’s skills on the agility course, participate in other contests and let them run throughout the leash-free areas. Located in Frederick, Maryland, the Bark In The Park is sure to be a fantastic event. If you are interested in getting your dog ready for the various competitions and performances, let’s take a look at what you can do to better prepare.

– Invest in Serious Dog Training

Canine Obedience Unlimited offers dog training in Montgomery, MD, Baltimore, MD, Washington D.C. and other regional locations within the immediate area. The first step in getting your dog prepared for various contests is to ensure that they will be able to listen to you at any point in time. Investing in quality dog training will help to ensure that you get the most out of the relationship between you and your faithful companion.

– Eat a Balanced Meal: Both You and Your Dog!

Not only should you be feeding your dog balanced and nutritious meals leading up to the events, but you need to keep your energy up as well! As the leader of your pet, you need to be confident and have the energy and ability to keep up with your dog. Whether you are entering a dog fashion show or a disc-throwing contest, energy levels are critical for confidence and success.

– Consider Group Training for Socialization

Individual training is fantastic for dogs; however don’t forget to socialize them and allow them to become familiar with other owners and dogs. Group training is also a great choice for introducing various outside influences, allowing your pet to learn to concentrate and build up their obedience skills.

The Bark In The Park should be a fantastic event, and is a great opportunity to bring your dog out. Even if you do not plan on running your pet in any of the events, it will be a great opportunity for their socialization skills. We hope to see you there!