
Bring Out The Best In Your Dog

Most dogs are content to sit around the home and lap up the attention like a modern pop star.  As loving owners, we love to shower them with affection; but what if your dog is becoming slightly obese due to his or her inactivity? Are you finding that they have random bursts of energy, yet…

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Housebreaking Your Dog in 3 Simple Steps

As dog owners, we all recognize that one of the most difficult accomplishments it housebreaking a puppy or grown dog.  The challenge is the same no matter what age; with puppies, they need to learn to control their bladders and movements because it is part of their growing process.  With fully-grown dogs, they need to…

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Is There A Magic Formula For Puppy Training?

To answer the title at the top of this page, “No!”; but there is such a thing as time-proven techniques and methods that allow you to enjoy your puppy to the fullest. Who among us has gazed into the liquid eyes of our pint-sized loves and wondered how such an adorable face could wreak so…

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Meet the Trainers

In this video you will get to hear from the maryland dog trainers that can help you master training your dog in a safe and fast way that wont change your dogs personality that you have grown to love.

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Behavior Modification: How to Teach Your Dog Commands (Pt 1 of 2)

Teaching your dog basic commands is beneficial in many ways; it deepens the bond between you and your pet, it builds your dog’s confidence and exercises his mind. Knowing basic obedience commands makes your dog a good canine citizen that will be welcomed and safer in public places. There are several methods for teaching dog…

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3 Tips to Stop Jumping Fast

Even though it flows from a limitless reserve of unconditional love, the unexpected greeting of a jumping dog (especially a large one) can be aggravating at times to family and disconcerting to friends and strangers, so it’s a good idea to begin to discourage this type of behavior as soon as you see it happening. …

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5 month puppy in bethesda being trained

Working in Bethesda Maryland training a dog named Mario a golden retriever outside of Montgomery mall

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Dutch Shepherd Mix Named Ruby during workshop

Here is another clip of a different dog and trainer from the Martin Deeley Workshop. She had done primarily positive training only in the past and now is using e collars because of Martins Great Skills!

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