Trust a Dog’s Instincts–There’s a Reason They Don’t Like Someone or Some Place
The idea that a dog is a great judge of human character is a popular one among dog lovers, but is it really true? A.A. Milne, the creator of Winnie the Pooh once said “Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.” Should you listen more closely to what your dog is trying…
Read MoreCrate Training vs. Paper Training–Which is Best for My Pooch?
How to housebreak your puppy is one of the first big decisions you’ll make as a new dog owner. If you’re a first-time dog owner, you may not even be aware that there’s more than one method of training from which to choose. Crate and paper training are the most commonly used methods and each has distinct…
Read MoreTips for Taming Your Aggressive Dog
You don’t have to be a dog whisperer or understand pack mentality to recognize the signs of dog aggression. Antagonistic behavior from any animal can be downright dangerous, and yes, even the smallest breed of dog can cause serious injury, particularly to children. Since 90% of dog bites happen to someone that the pet knows,…
Read MoreWhat to Expect at a Dog Agility Class
Canine agility classes can strengthen the bond between a dog and his handler by establishing a certain level of respect between the two. This training also keeps your pet in good physical condition, which can extend his life. Before your dog enters beginner agility training, they will need to lay the foundation for course success through…
Read More3 Tips to Stop Jumping Fast
Even though it flows from a limitless reserve of unconditional love, the unexpected greeting of a jumping dog (especially a large one) can be aggravating at times to family and disconcerting to friends and strangers, so it’s a good idea to begin to discourage this type of behavior as soon as you see it happening. …
Read MoreCoughing Etiology
As the ‚Äúseason of the cough‚Äù is upon us, we thought it would be wise to share some medical insight into the etiology of ‚Äúcommon colds & coughs.‚Äù Typically at this time of year, many dogs (just like their human counterparts) develop mild, upper respiratory infections (URI‚Äôs) manifested by a dry, non-productive cough that is…
Read MoreAgility classes gaining popularity
Our Agility Classes here in Frederick, MD have been gaining popularity. When we first started the class was run 2 days a week for one hour for just beginners. Now we will have beginner, intermediate and advanced classes to offer all levels up through competition. Come out and try our Agility Class before we move…
Read MoreHappy Memorial Day Weekend
No class Monday 5/28/12
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